Werwolf (DEU) – Schlachtruf LP



The band, founded in Gütersloh in 1988, shone in 1991 with their second (mini) album entitled “Schlachtruf”. Although there were only seven songs on this disc, it represented a good bridge until the next full album, which was released in 1992 under the title “Eternal Scars” and at the same time marked the end of the East Westphalian music group’s musical activities. So if you want to indulge in the Pogo wise men of the time again, garnished with the criminally harmless pieces from the first LP “Vereint”, you’ve come to the right place and should grab it immediately, because as we all know, life punishes anyone who comes too late. Everything in the best vinyl sound quality (no side longer than 20 minutes)!

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Weight 0.5 kg



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