Grymmstalt (CHI) – Anthems Of Mournful Despondency CD
Black Metal
GRYMMSTALT is a new cross-continental project between two of black metal’s busiest men: Wampyric Strigoi (WAMPYRIC RITES, DUNGEON STEEL, AURAE LUNAE et. al.) and Lord Valtgryftåke (RÜNDGARD, Pyreficativm, Gryftigæn, 13th Temple, Mánþiel et. al.). While both also helm WINTERSTORM, GRYMMSTALT foregoes that band’s more medieval ruminations toward the trance-inducing melancholy of Burzum circa Filosofem – or perhaps more concretely, grim disciples like early Forgotten Woods, I Shalt Become, and Wigrid. Their first recording under this banner, Athems of Mournful Despondency is accurately titled: five time-expanding/halting tracks across 45 haunting minutes, shimmering with a strangely full rawness that only heightens (or deepens) the despairing abyss you’ll be inexorably drawn toward.
Weight | 0.2 kg |
Signal Rex
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