Mørketida (FIN) – Traveler Of The Untouched Voids LP €26.88
Black Metal
Totaling 22 minutes in length but by no means any less vast because of it – quite the opposite, in fact – Traveler of the Untouched Voids sees MORKETIDA travel further down their own, ever-more-idiosyncratic path. Still largely downtempo but unafraid to kick into hypnotic blasting, here do they explore swampier and more eldritch terrain, heightening the beyond-the-shade atmosphere ever more through patient, plaintive melodies and more rugged expressions thereof. The organ of yore has been replaced by ocassional touches of mystical synth in a most early ’90s manner, while the vocals similarly plumb stouter depths. If anything, one could say that MORKETIDA are nodding more toward an ancient Eastern European expression or one less-than-tangentially removed from the contemporaneous Hellenic scene. Either way, their exploration of the unknown continues with Traveler of the Untouched Voids…
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Morrigan (DEU) – Anwynn LAVANDA LP €28.88
Black Metal
For those who’ve lurked within the black metal underground for the past two decades (or even longer), the name MORRIGAN should be more than familiar. As Mayhemic Truth from 1992-2000, the band released a steady stream of demos that bowed before the ancient altar of the almighty Bathory. The shimmering darkness that Mayhemic Truth created back then was an untrendy counterpoint to black metal’s increasingly mainstream aspirations during that period, and also served as an oft-overlooked pillar of Germany’s black metal underground. However, when the band changed their moniker to MORRIGAN at the dawn of the new millennium and released their debut album, Plague, Waste and Death, in 2001, changes were afoot – and they were grand. For the rest of the ensuing decade, MORRIGAN moved on from Bathory’s more hard-charging style into the glorious “Viking era” marked most poignantly by the dual classics of Hammerheart and Twilight of the Gods. Their exploration of Quorthon’s pagan ruminations soon became an almost parallel realm of unrecorded Viking Bathory work, both sincerely devoted to those twin tomes and simultaneously expanding upon them, the latter largely through the exploration of Celtic mythology. In short, this was the true sound of MORRIGAN, and they quietly led others into new-yet-old pagan vastlands.
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Morrigan (DEU) – Anwynn LP €26.88
Black Metal
For those who’ve lurked within the black metal underground for the past two decades (or even longer), the name MORRIGAN should be more than familiar. As Mayhemic Truth from 1992-2000, the band released a steady stream of demos that bowed before the ancient altar of the almighty Bathory. The shimmering darkness that Mayhemic Truth created back then was an untrendy counterpoint to black metal’s increasingly mainstream aspirations during that period, and also served as an oft-overlooked pillar of Germany’s black metal underground. However, when the band changed their moniker to MORRIGAN at the dawn of the new millennium and released their debut album, Plague, Waste and Death, in 2001, changes were afoot – and they were grand. For the rest of the ensuing decade, MORRIGAN moved on from Bathory’s more hard-charging style into the glorious “Viking era” marked most poignantly by the dual classics of Hammerheart and Twilight of the Gods. Their exploration of Quorthon’s pagan ruminations soon became an almost parallel realm of unrecorded Viking Bathory work, both sincerely devoted to those twin tomes and simultaneously expanding upon them, the latter largely through the exploration of Celtic mythology. In short, this was the true sound of MORRIGAN, and they quietly led others into new-yet-old pagan vastlands.
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Mort Aux Gueux (CAN) / Ifernach (CAN) – Split LP €28.88
Black Metal
The split from 2017 available again.
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Morta (SPA) – La España Negra LP €26.88
Black Metal.
One of the black metal underground’s best-kept secrets, MORTA first fully arose from the crypt with SIGNAL REX’s release of their debut EP, Fúnebre. Banging ‘n’ clanging anguish echoing from the filthiest dungeons, the then-trio’s first short-length succinctly displayed their palpably physical – and surprisingly emotive – attack across nearly a half-hour. In a sense, Fúnebre felt like an album, but such was still brewing…
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Morte Incandescente (POR) – Vala Comum LP €24.88
Black Metal
In many ways, Morte Incandescente are THE penultimate Portuguese black metal band. They’re comprised of Portugal’s oldest and most prolific scene veterans, both of whom concurrently maintain their own long-running and highly regarded central creative vehicles: Vulturius with Irae and Nocturnus Horrendus with Corpus Christii. And while the raw black metal underground that they helped foment at the dawn of the new millennium has multiplied and malformed all around them, since their formation in 2001, Morte Incandescente have maintained their own unique headspace, always making the creation different yet the same – the vision overtaking all, no matter what form it takes. Rest assured, however, that Vulturius and Nocturnus Horrendus’ vision is always one that’s ancient-minded, uncompromising, and completely untrendy.
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Mortem (PER) – Demon Tales LP €24.88
Death Metal
Black vinyl LP reissue of the classic Mortem debut album from 1995.
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Mortem (PER) – The Devil Speaks In Tongues LP €24.88
Death Metal
Black vinyl LP reissue of the classic Mortem 2nd full-length from 1998.
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Morthond (SWE) – Death Time LP €28.88
Death Industrial
“Death Time” isn’t merely a collection of tracks; it’s a passage through the creative psyche of BJ Nilsen and the birth of Morthond. It captures a moment of artistic inception, where experimental ideas are given voice, and darkly ethereal atmospheres are conjured. As you journey through the album, you’ll feel the magnetic pull of its enigmatic narrative, guiding you through the corridors of the unknown.
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Mortifera (FRA) – V: Ecclesiae Mortii WHITE LP €26.88
Black Metal
5th Album by french black metal band MORTIFERA. “This opus was first recorded in 2016, but we decided to abandon everything as the outcome was not suitable to our ambitions. Reduced to the core of two members Mortifera then took life again and granted “Ecclesiae Mortii” a late reinforced structure and an improved recording, finally achieving the sound that depicts our primordial vision for this chapter.”
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Mortifera (FRA) – Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera PIC-LP €26.88
Black Metal
French Black Metal Classic- Reissue on Picture 12″ Vinyl
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Mortifier (ITA) – Kampfen LP €23.88
Black Metal
Available on black vinyl 12″ LP – White inner sleeve – 3mm spine.
Limited to 300 copies.
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Mortiis (NOR) – Blood and Thunder LP €28.88
Dungeon Synth
Originally recorded in 1996, and released by Primitive Art Records in a limited edition of 500 hand numbered copies on purple vinyl. The original 7″ also included a poster, with artwork by Juha Vuorma.
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Mortiis (NOR) – The Shadow Of The Tower RED LP €28.88
Dungeon Synth
Norwegian dark ambient dungeon synth, from Havard Ellefsen.
Cold dark ambient music, originally created and recorded in 1997, witnessing new Mortiis direction, later presented on album “The Smell Of Rain”.
Jacket with gold print, insert + poster.
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Mortiis (NOR) – The Unfolding Of The Gates (Live 1998) LP €26.88
Dungeon Synth
Recorded live in Belgium in 1998, at the Nights Of The Abyss II festival, this was the first ever The Stargate performance. Over a year prior to the album´s eventual release on Halloween 1999.
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Mortuary Drape (ITA) – All The Witches Dance DLP €34.88
Black Metal
34th year anniversary since the creation of the band.
Gategold sleeve with gold print.
8-page booklet with archive photos and liner notes.
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Mortuary Drape (ITA) / Necromass (ITA) – Dance Of Spirits / Ordo. Equilibrium. Nox. WHITE LP €26.88
Black Metal
This superb 40 minute split vinyl album combines EPs by what are arguably the two most cult black metal bands to emerge from Italy.
WHITE LP, lim. 100
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Mortuus (SWE) – Diablerie LP €25.88
Black Metal
Vinyl version of Mortuus’ latest masterpiece, Diablerie, coming as Gatefold LP, incl. LP sized booklet.
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